Where do I find all the details related to my Purchase Orders?
Navigating Your Purchase Orders in Orderlink
To view all your purchase orders, head over to the Purchase Order table. Simply click the Purchase Orders option in the sidebar menu. Once you’re there, you’ll see a list of all your orders. To dive into the details of any specific order, just click the Order Number in the ORD NO column.
Purchase Order Details
The Purchase Order details page looks like the image below. Here, you can view all the info related to a specific purchase order and take some handy actions.
Download as PDF or CSV
Need a copy of your purchase order? No problem! Just click the download icon in the top-right corner, and you’ll get it as a PDF or Excel file. Want to check the history of changes? Click the logs/history icon next to it. You can also update or edit the purchase order from this page.
Updating ETA
You can update the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for individual items or for multiple items at once. Just select the lines you want, then click the three dots in top right hand corner and choose Update ETA to update them all in one go.
Receiving Items
To enter the quantity of items you’ve received, select the lines you want to update, click the three dots, and choose Receipt Items to enter the received quantity. It’s that simple!
Add or Edit Order Lines
Need to make changes to your purchase order? Use the blue edit button to update any line that hasn’t already been receipted. You can add new lines, remove existing ones, or adjust pricing as needed.

Upload or Download Files
You can also upload or download related documents, images, or Excel files for your purchase order. Use the Files tab (as shown in the image) to upload documents for yourself or other stakeholders. For more details on how to upload files, check out this article.

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